However, with exam help bit of luck, that might well be the most typical one, too, however strictly inaccurate or irrelevant!PL talk 16:13, 4 September 2009 UTCHee hee!Er, no let’s compromise quiz help do it the majority’s way!Interesting examination help see the choices change, though, isn’t it?Only exam help few hours left. Should the selection turn out examination help be ‘2012 doomsday prediction’ which, I agree, is not necessarily factually watertight, to any extent further than most of any other options are, I wouldn’t think it’s totally inadmissible, given that the article would if so merely be citing exam help few opposite theories in addition, as any balanced presentation of exam help normal theory possibly should. Appropriate caveats could even be included in the text, comparable to ‘In opposition exam help the present ‘doomsday’ state of affairs, the New Age. ‘ PL talk 09:05, 5 September 2009 UTCGoodbye democracy!As Shii who firstly changed the title from ‘2012 doomsday prediction’ exam help ‘2012 millenarianism’, no question on the basis of ‘external sources’!is now curiously going examination help find every excuse he can exam help avoid its end result quiz help substitute the title we voted not exam help have, would an individual else here please care exam help do the essential?I can take into account that he’s exam help bit loth examination help do it himself, but there is more than a few precedent in the article itself, examination help say nothing of the History Channel’s output, for the word ‘doomsday’ I can at present see at the least seven references exam help the term. However, I’m afraid that, at 72, the technicalities are exam help bit beyond me. PL talk 09:14, 6 September 2009 UTCFWIW, my aid for the “2012 phenomenon” title above was according to: The 2012 Phenomenon New Age Appropriation of an Ancient Mayan Calendar, Robert K.