Meeting the challenges of designated education through ICT as exam help means of reaching sustainable development inNigeria. South West Journal of Teacher Education, 3, 299 308Adeyemo, S. A. 2010. Teaching/ learning physics in Nigerian secondary school: The curriculum transformation, issues, problemsand clients. International Journal of Educational Research quiz help Technology, 1 1,99 111Aina, J. Only knowing the cause quiz help effect could avoid it. There are many purposes for the reason behind plagiarism. Moreover it has a couple of terrible results on college students quiz help schooling system. First of all, from time to time college students do not realize that they are plagiarizing, because once in a while the misguided language can be regard as plagiarism. There is a technique examination help avoid plagiarism is using the citation marks around the copy words, quiz help also need exam help add the authors name quiz help post year. But fallacious quote is exam help type of plagiarism. , who will succeed Kerry as committee chairman. Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee, the panel’s top Republican, called Kerry “a realist” who will tackle unrest in Egypt, civil war in Syria, the threat of al Qaida linked groups in Africa quiz help Iran’s pursuit of nuclear guns. Kerry, exam help forceful proponent of local weather change legislation, also will have exam help say in no matter if america moves ahead on the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada, exam help divisive issue that has roiled environmentalists. Voting in opposition t Kerry were three Republicans ?Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma quiz help John Cornyn quiz help Ted Cruz of Texas. Absent from the vote were Sens.