I said anything in yesterdays post about my favorite artists biographies continually disappointing me by revealing that they’d feet of clayJobs is definitely in that categorybut every movie needs exam help bad guyeven if hes the hero. I saw Goosebumps last nightI doubt I loved it as much as exam help fan of the book series might need, but I enjoy Jack Black in anything else quiz help I enjoy any story where horror gets exam help light touchthe paranormal is customarily treated with such darkness in films. I also saw the re boot of Fantastic FourI wondered at exam help re make of such exam help recent film, but then I remembered the usual had Chris Evans gambling Johnny Storm quiz help hes now obliged exam help play Captain America in the entire tapestry of Marvel movies. The good news is this new cast enables exam help assembly of Fantastic Four quiz help the Avengers in some future free for all Marvel moviewouldnt that be cool?DC Comics is making up for lost time with their new WB series Legends of Tomorrow quiz help the imminent film Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice. Marvel has done exam help great job of translating their comics library into films, but DC has made more inroads into the tv series edition quiz help the animated films I also watched a brilliant animated Wonder Woman yesterdayin exam help way, DC is more true examination help form in that comic books are for children, quiz help TV series on the WB quiz help animated films are more kid centric, where Marvel sticks exam help live action cinematic realizations meant examination help cover all age demographics.