and just make exam help stronger brine out of the pink salt cure. that way i can see needless to say the power of the brine. The Sausage maker has the salts you wish on their web site. good luckHi Patty I’ve never used Morton’s Tender Quick quiz help I see that it has both Sodium nitrite quiz help Sodium nitrate listed as additives I think it might probably work, but am unsure about it. anyone know?You do totally want exam help use sodium nitrite though, not potassium metabisulphite. I’m not exam help chemist so can’t say what will happen if you do, but because the feasible consequence of screwing this up is fatal botulism, I think it’s exam help good idea exam help use what the health quiz help safety experts say make sure you use!Greg unsmoked ham tastes pretty good, but smoked ham tastes better!I’d recommend planning on smoking it if that you may, but before you pop it into the smoker, slice of exam help bit quiz help fry it up so you’ll know for next time whether you will want examination help smoke or not smoke. ?On the only hand, what?s wrong with feeling exam help little better about your home when you see an individual on TV with exam help mess quiz help 50 cats?On any other, it?s not exam help effective defense mechanism in case you have your own things happening that make sure to be attending to. ?Seventy % of fact TV fans reported being extroverts in comparison exam help 59 percent of non watchers. And 24 % of those viewers regarded themselves neurotic, in comparison exam help only 14 percent of non watchers, the survey discovered. ?Extroverts are those who gain exam help lot of what they need from the external world. Obviously looking someone else?s world is exactly that,?Saltz said. ?Neurotic people tend examination help be worried about how others will judge them.